Students Explore Healthcare Careers in Multiple Settings
Health Occupations students have had an eventful semester. Health Occupations students continue to explore varieties of healthcare careers through job shadowing at a wide array of local healthcare facilities and clinics, speaking live and in-person and via zoom with a variety of medical professionals.
Here are some of the highlights of the spring semester: They have had the opportunity to collaborate with the EMT students in patient scenarios and EMT demonstrations of artificial airways and suctioning skills. The Health Occupations class hosted and participated in our 2nd Annual Blood Drive. Health Occupations students had the opportunity to go to National University of Health Sciences and experience a hands-on human cadaver lab. Several students led our annual 8th Grade Expo in teaching the 8th graders about a variety of healthcare careers. They were also fortunate to participate in a hands-on dementia live simulation. The students were also able to tour and volunteer at Open Door Rehabilitation Center.