Certified Nurse Assistant
Instructor: Jillian Hill
Hi, my name is Jillian Hill RNC-OB. My career in healthcare began in 1996 when I enrolled in the CNA program at IVVC. I graduated from high school in 1998 and passed my CNA state boards that summer. Becoming a CNA changed my life and opened doors for me at a very young age. I am forever grateful for that opportunity. I went on to graduate from Kishwaukee Community College, and I earned a degree in Nursing. I worked at Riverside Regional Medical Center (Newport News, VA) as a Labor and Delivery nurse for five years. I then relocated back to the area and I worked at Rush Copley as a Labor and Delivery nurse for the past 10 years. My passion for education at the high school level is truly something I hope to use, to empower the next generation of CNAs.
Grades: 11, 12
Prerequisite: Good attendance record
Certified Nurse Assistant is a stand-alone one-year program.
Units of study - Healthcare system, communication, infection control, safety, bed making, admission/discharge/transfers, growth and development, nutrition, body systems, positioning/transferring residents, patients with special needs, death and dying, dementia, home health, rehabilitation
Tasks you will complete -
Perform 21 required CNA skills
Clinical experience at local nursing home
Provide physical support to assist nursing home residents to perform daily living activities, such as getting out of bed, bathing, dressing, using the toilet, standing, walking, or exercising
Measure and record food and liquid intake or urinary and fecal output, reporting changes to nursing staff
Record vital signs, such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, or respiration rate
Lift or assist others to lift patients to move them on or off beds
Record height and weight of patients
Change bed linens or make beds
Wash, groom, or shave nursing home residents to prepare them for surgery, treatment, or examination
Skills/abilities you need to be successful - service orientation, active listening, social perceptiveness, critical thinking, reading/oral comprehension, static strength, reasoning, flexibility, arm-hand steadiness
Certification you may be eligible to receive upon successful completion -
Illinois Department of Public Health Certified Nursing Assistant
Related careers - Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Phlebotomist, Med Tech, Vet Tech, Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Medical Assistant, Surgical Tech, Surgical Assistant, Xray Tech, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Counselor, Social Worker, Physical Therapy Assistant, Massage Therapist, Dietary Aide, Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacy Tech
Articulated Credit: WCC NAS 101 - Basic Nurse Assistant Training (6 credits), KCC NUR 100 - Basic Nurse Assistant Training (7 credits).
Mrs. Hill can be reached at (815) 786-9873, extension 235 or via email at JHill@ivvc.net.