Fire Science
Instructor: Wesley Kairis
Grades: 11, 12
Fire Science I is the first year of a two-year sequence.
Units of study - OSFM Basic Operations Firefighter curriculum: cognitive and psychomotor components to Basic Operations Firefighter, Fire Service Vehicle Operator, Technical Rescue Awareness, Basic First Aid, AHA CPR and AED and NIMS 100 and 700
Tasks you will complete -
Function safely and ethically as a basic firefighter within the organization of the fire department
Identify hazards and take proper safety measures to operate at an emergency scene by applying knowledge of fire behavior, building construction, and communications
Safely and effectively operate in an IDLH atmosphere using self contained breathing apparatus
Use a portable extinguisher to properly extinguish all classes of fire
Use various types of ropes and knots in an emergency scene setting
Utilize the proper fire hose, appliances, nozzles, stream and water supply to extinguish fires
Gain access to structures to perform rescues through proper forcible entry and ladder usage
Properly ventilate a structure to facilitate rescues and fire extinguishment using ladders and ventilation tools and techniques
Perform a scene size-up considering risk and savable victims, and use proper technique to search a structure and remove victims
Apply the techniques of fire extinguishment including wildland fires from both an offensive and defensive attack
Describe the role of fire prevention and fire protection systems on public safety
Utilize knowledge of situational awareness, rapid intervention teams, and scene hazards to operate safely and survive on the fire ground
Skills/abilities you need to be successful - effective communication skills, integrity, composure, and a reassuring manner, ability to follow instructions, ability to work as part of a team, problem-solving skills, patience, understanding, and sensitivity, confidence and resilience, adaptability and flexibility, sound judgment, courage, decisiveness, quick reactions, and the ability to stay calm in difficult circumstances, willingness and ability to learn on a continued basis, interest in promoting community safety, education, and risk prevention
Certification you may be eligible to receive upon successful completion - Must be employed by a Fire Department and 18 years old to challenge OSFM state exams.
Office of the State Fire Marshal Basic Operations Firefighter
Office of the State Fire Marshal Technical Rescue Awareness
Office of the State Fire Marshal Fire Service Vehicle Operator
American Heart Association CPR and AED
National Incident Management System 100 and 700
Related careers - Volunteer firefighter, Probationary firefighter, Contract firefighter, Industrial firefighter
Dual Credit: WCC FSC 105 - Basic Operations Firefighter Module A (4 credits); FSC 115 - Basic Operations Firefighter Module B (4 credits); FSC 118 - Basic
Operations Firefighter Module C (4.5 credits); and FSC 215 - Technical Rescue & Vehicle Operations (.5 credit).
Articulated Credit: WCC FSC 105 - Basic Operations Firefighter Module A (4 credits); FSC 115 - Basic Operations Firefighter Module B (4 credits); FSC 118 -
Basic Operations Firefighter Module C (4.5 credits); and FSC 215 - Technical Rescue & Vehicle Operations (.5 credit).
Grade: 12
Required: 70% or higher in Fire Science I
Fire Science II is the second year of a two-year sequence.
Units of study - OSFM Advanced Technician Firefighter curriculum: the cognitive and psychomotor relevant to a journeyman firefighter, OSFM Vehicle Machinery Operations, Hazardous Materials Awareness/Operations, and Rope Operations, NIMS 200 and 800
Tasks you will complete -
Demonstrate the need for the Incident Command System
Demonstrate how to complete a basic NFIRS incident report
Demonstrate how to determine developing hazardous building conditions
Demonstrate operating hose testing equipment and nozzles
Demonstrate using a Pitot tube and gauge to read and record flow GPM, static pressures and flow pressures
Demonstrate operating power plants, power tools, and lighting equipment
Demonstrate the ability to operate hand and power tools and special forcible entry/exit needs
Demonstrate the ability to operate hand and power tools for forcible entry
Demonstrate the role of the advanced firefighter in ventilation operations
Demonstrate attack techniques and coordinate fire attack for various types of structure fires
Demonstrate the ability to identify the components of a fire suppression and detection system
Demonstrate assembling a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) with proper tools and equipment to function as a RIT team when a mayday is called
Demonstrate the ability to assist rescue teams and establish public barriers when assigned
Skills/abilities you need to be successful - In addition to Fire Science 1, ability to assist substitute instructor in absence of instructor, ability to lead class in daily roll call (attendance, Pledge of Allegiance, LODD bell ceremony), ability to lead a class company during individual skills and company scenarios, Class Honor Guard
Certification you may be eligible to receive upon successful completion - Must be employed by a Fire Department and 18 years old to challenge OSFM state exams.
Office of the State Fire Marshal Advanced Technician Firefighter
Office of the State Fire Marshal Hazardous Materials Awareness/Operations
Office of the State Fire Marshal Vehicle Machinery Operations
Office of the State Fire Marshal Rope Operations
National Incident Management System 200 and 800
Related careers - Volunteer firefighter, Probationary firefighter, Contract firefighter, Industrial firefighter, Fire Service Officer, Fire Fighting Instructor, Specialty Certifications (Technical Rescue and Hazardous Materials)
Dual Credit: FSC 120 Hazardous Materials Operations (3 credits); WCC FSC 125 - Advanced Technician Firefighter (4 credits); and FSC 150 - Vehicle Machinery Operations (3 credits).
Articulated Credit: WCC FSC 120 - Hazardous Materials Operations (3 credits); FSC 125 - Advanced Technician Firefighter (4 credits); and FSC 150 - Vehicle Machinery Operations (3 credits).
To contact Mr. Kairis, please call (815) 786-9873, extension 242 or via email at